Saint John Capital is a factoring company based in Chicago, specializing in the trucking industry. They offer a range of services, including factoring, lines of credit, access to loads, and software tools. Saint John Capital's factoring services include same-day funding, 100% cash advance, a Quickbooks API, and more. Saint John Capital has played a pivotal role in helping numerous trucking companies transition from a single-truck operation to becoming large national fleets.
Service Highlights
Load Board
The Saint John Capital load board provides trucking companies with access to millions of loads. The load board is available for both Android and iOS devices. See inbound and outbound loads by state, find better-paying freight, and check broker credit.

Quickbooks API
When you enter your invoice information into Saint John Capital's quick pay system, you can see these invoices automatically appear in your Quickbooks accounting software. This saves time and eliminates the need to retype information into multiple systems.